Video: What To Do About Cravings, Cravings, Cravings!

Did you know craving sugar is genetic - as in, we are created to seek sugar. It's a survival response, when sugar in nature was less available and a lot less sweet. It helped humans take advantage of the abundance of food in the summer and the lack of it in the winter. Now it's everywhere and ultra-processed and our brains haven't evolved as quickly as our environment.

When a craving hits, I have some suggestions on how to deal with it and what products I like to eat when a craving hits (it's usually for chocolate!).

PS I forgot to mention in the video - ladies, if you're noticing more cravings than usual, pay attention to where you are in your monthly cycle. You might have more the week leading up to and the first few days of your period. Tracking these can help you be more empowered to make healthier choices because you can expect that you will have cravings.

As a follow up from the last post: what to do about cravings, cravings, cravings! Did you know craving sugar is genetic...

Posted by Thrive Nutrition on Monday, May 4, 2020
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